Saturday, December 13, 2014
Letter to US President Barack Obama

Letter to Robert Menendez Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee

Ending Egyptian Coptic Captivity

The British viewed the native Egyptians as a race to be ruled, contrasted with the Anglo-Saxons who they believed to be a governing race. This is how the British justified their occupation of Egypt. British policies created prosperity for the tiny, foreign elite but impoverished the native Egyptian masses with high levels of indebtedness. The British turned Egypt into their own personal cotton plantation. They supported the elite landowners, most of whom were foreign, against the landless native peasants.
Arabic Translation- click
Open Letter to the Egyptian President Abdul Fattah AlSisi

- Disastrous economic strangulation against our
people, which began in 1952 and increased during the reigns of Sadat and
Mubarak, was a result of the acquisition of territory and the theft and
distribution of land without compensation. We urge you to return all the
lands that have been nationalized and that were owned by Coptic Egyptians
and redistribute them to the poor, farmers, and Coptic people. These lands
were given to the Arab tribes, who are colonial settlers on the land of
Egypt, and other non-Egyptians who were brought in by regimes that have
ruled Egypt. We also demand that the priority of the new distribution of
land be to the locals of the indigenous people of the country.
- Disastrous demographic suffocation of the
indigenous Egyptians by the Arab tribes and clans, particularly in Upper
Egypt. Their numbers have increased to a point that cannot be tolerated. As
a result, Coptic Egyptians are under siege and there is no possible outlet
for their growth and development. In addition, a huge flood of Arab
populations (settler colonialism) from the Delta to Upper Egypt have
dominated all sources of wealth, land, and almost all natural resources.
Moreover, most of these tribes and groups turned into ticking time bombs through
Islamization. They became strong supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood and
Jihad. The main jobs of these tribes and clans are the illegal arms trade,
drugs, and organized crime at the expense of the indigenous population.
Furthermore, these tribes enjoy autonomy, given to them by Arab Islamic
governments and even the British Empire.
They do not recognize Egyptian identity and use their own law, which
is called Councils of Arabs. They engage in the theft and excavation of
the ancient tombs of our ancestors, in addition to many other
unaccountable crimes. They believe in the dangerous terrorist ideology of
Wahhabism. Most of them join and promote the Muslim Brotherhood and the
Salafists, both of which have committed the worst crimes against native
Egyptians and humanity throughout history, particularly during the last 60
years. Their numbers have been quite evident in all elections that took
place after the January 25 Revolution, which confirms our prior and
current statements.
- We are
asking you to stop this cultural genocide against Egyptian Copts and to
reconsider the usage of the mother language of the country, which is the
Egyptian language. The State must adopt a program to revive our language
at all educational levels. This will be the first step to stop the ethnic
and cultural genocide. The native Egyptians deserve this because they are
indigenous people of Egypt and because it is guaranteed in the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights.
- We appeal to you to not to release Mubarak and
his aides because of the crimes they committed against the Egyptian
people, both Christian and Muslim. In this regard, we would like to point
that the American Coptic Union has filed several complains to the UN Human
Rights Council, which received attention from US President Barack Obama.
We would like to express our disagreement regarding the Mubarak current
trial that ignored his crimes against our people. We seek your support for
a fair trial that delivers bonafide justice to the victims and their
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Islamists and Salafists, Responsible for Sinai and Eilat Attacks
US Foreign Policy Shares Responsibility by Encouraging Islamists-Jihadists in Egypt
Attacks on Israel’s Port of Eilat last week succeeded in distracting the world from Egypt’s problems and tried to delegitimize the peaceful revolution of the Egyptians against oppression. This attack is aiming to open the way for Salafists and Islamists to seize power in Egypt in the coming months, and provoking, and dragging Israel and Egypt to confrontation.
Islamists from Sinai crossed the Israeli border and assaulted the port. Conveniently enough, Israeli officials overlooked that fact and did not attack the Islamists assailants. Instead, members of Egyptian police, and Army were killed.
This is nothing new. Terrorists groups have been supported by foreign regimes. The United States, Israel, rich Arab states, and most European states provided political, financial, and military support to the Muslim Brotherhood and terrorist factions inside Egypt. This support included illegally transferred money and pressure on the Egyptian Supreme Military Council to help the Muslim Brotherhood in imposing Islamic Law despite opposition from the overwhelming majority of Egyptians.
To abort the revolution, Islamists and the Muslim Brotherhood protested around the Israeli Embassy for days, seeking distraction from the revolution’s demands to abroad. Their call for an Egyptian-Israeli confrontation, and cutting relation, failed because they are a minority and the majority no longer trusts them. Make no mistake; the Islamists’ protest was a game. They hoped by protesting the Israelis, they would win the majority over. This was not the case.
The Islamists and Salafis declared Sinai an “Islamic Emirate.” They initiated huge terror attacks on police precincts and other government offices in Alarish, the capital city of Northern Sinai. At the same time, they took over Tahrir Square in a show off day, on July 29, 2011.
United States, Israel, European Countries, and Arab Gulf States must follow ACU and the majority of Egyptians condemn all Islamists groups and Parties for their threats of violence in establishing a theocratic state in Egypt, and their continuous attempts to impose Shariaa Laws.
However, if the United States and Israel still insist on supporting the Islamists and Muslim Brotherhood, then the majority of Egyptians will insist on opposing the United States and Israel.
It’s in the interests of both Egypt and Israel to secure Sinai and the border from being taken over by terrorists. The Egyptians and Israelis must find a way to secure Sinai as well as drastically reform the Camp David Accords of 1979.
The Camp David Accords of 1979, were bad example, and have failed to attract other countries like Syria, and Iran. After more than 30 years of “peace” between Israel and Egypt, there have been many negative outcomes. This treaty resulted in tyranny, corruption, persecution, killing, and economic strangulation on most Egyptians.
Despite repeated calls on President Obama and the US government, and Congress to use its political capital to improve human rights in Egypt, the United States has been very reluctant to do so. Even after the revolution of January 25, the Supreme Military Council has shown little support for Coptic demands such as the removal of the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution, which imposed Islamic Laws on the populace. The Council must establish Egyptian Language, along with Arabic, as the official languages of Egypt; prosecute those who committed crimes against Coptic Christians; compensate victims; and settle all other human rights violations.
The backwards foreign policy of the United States must change. Their continued support for the Muslim Brotherhood and Salafis is a threat to the Copts, the majority of Egyptian people, and the interest of US in the Middle East.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Saudi Arabia behind “TALABANIZATION” of Egypt
USA Must Start A Rescue Mission For Egypt Now and show strong Support to Millions of Protesting Copts in the Heart of Cairo!!
American Coptic Union is sending this urgent message to President Barack Obama, US State Department, and US Congress.
Saudi Arabia and its Wahabbi regime are setting fire in Egypt in general, and to Egyptian Copts in particular.
First we would like to share President Obama, and American people the rejoice of killing Usama Ben Laden the head of Al-Qaeda. In addition, we also would like to express our appreciation to the President Obama, and the great people of America for their stand and support for our long time demand removing the dictator of Egypt, Mubarak.
Despite the importance of Ben Laden’s killing, this incomplete victory should not hold US back from achieving the ultimate goal of USA in eradicating Al-Qaeda from the Middle East and especially in Egypt.
Although the repeated call to USA officials paying attention, during the dictatorship era of Mubarak regime, for the growing danger of terror organization and network in Egypt, these calls have not taken seriously.
Mubarak regime had adopted a very dangerous policy by embracing the Islamic organizations for decades to scare the US, Israel, and EU from even thinking in supporting any kind of change in Egypt. Therefore, the ousted regime recruit, protect, and finance Al-Jama’at Al Eslamiya, Islamic Jihad, and Muslim Brotherhood, in addition to the support of Saudi Arabia regime.
Since the fall of Mubarak, Al-Jama’at Al Islamiya, and Islamic Jihad have changed their name to Salafists. They intended to elude the World that their previous crimes against humanity are forgotten. Now Salafists with support of Muslim Brotherhood are trying to hijacking the peaceful and civilized revolution to replace Mubarak regime to rule Egypt by same terror means, committing crimes against humanity, especially against Egyptian Copts, and moderate Muslims.
Over the course of 100 days only, Al-Qaeda network in Egypt have launched more than 50 attacks on Christian Churches and communities, including massacres in which hundreds killed, and injured, and many others disappeared and kidnapped.
To be honest United States and the West have supported the policy of the former regime under the banner of “stability”. It’s clear now that what was called stability proved to be fake and led to the spread of terror and established a safe haven to Al-Qaeda in Egypt, where tens of thousands of its members are enjoying the freedom to be a spike on the back of the Egypt and Israel at the same time.
Last Month, Jihadists –Salafists and Arab Tribes declared their first Islamic State (Emirate) in Qena in Upper Egypt. Raising the Saudi Flags, cutting the only Railways that connect Upper Egypt to its Lower, blocking the Highways, and erecting a terrorist Sheikh as ruler to that Islamic Emirate.
In the recent attacks on Coptic Churches in Embabah, the Army, and police force did not interfere to stop the killing of more than 60 innocent unarmed Christian under their watch. Not only this, the Army arrested many injured Copts and victims accusing them with false charges, some of them arrest while receiving treatment of their wounds.
It’s clear fact that the Army does not want and capable for going after and facing the huge Al-Qaeda network, and its branches including its infrastructures, because, first the Army is so small that can’t clean up Egypt from this cancer, and secondly, the Army is lacking the support of the US, and the west to do this mission particularly they are not trained to Cities and Guerilla warfare. Adding to that, security weakness due to the absence of strong police force.
Finally, we would like to address the following point to be considered by President Obama, and US Congress:
- United States must discuss and pressure the Supreme Military Council in Egypt to destroy and exterminate all Salafists-Jihadists of Al-Qaeda and its infrastructure in Egypt.
- Because of Egypt’s Army is not ready and trained for such mission, United States must join the Egyptian Army in this humanitarian mission with EU participation covered by UN approval.
- We are certain that this mission will be supported by millions of Muslims and Christian, because both of them have fed up of the Salafists barbarian actions even against Muslim people and institutions.
Finally, time is running out, and acting immediately before is too late is highly recommended. Please remember that that action would permanently change the Middle East to a better peaceful place for every and all people live in this flammable region.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Press Release
ACU and peace loving people, Human Right Activists, and freedom of religion supporters are shocked and disturb with the White House invitation to Mubarak and his son for the direct peace talks between Israel and Palestinians. It is obvious and clear that Mubarak has no interest in achieving a successful peace between the parties.
This invitation is a wrong message to all of us on the light of the presence of his son who is planning to inherits his father position as if it were a real estate issue. This invitation to both of them is a slap on the face for those who believe in your position on promoting democracy in Egypt. His participation with his son is truly the opposite rather that their presence is a real obstacles for the intended peace.
Mubarak, his son and others officials in the regime are partners in the Anti-Christians movement in the Middle East and in the USA. Their crimes against Humanity has been reported to the UN Human Rights in a complain submitted by ACU, on Aug, 18, 2010.
Hosting Gamal Mubarak in the White House is a clear message that United States of America is a clear support for his plan to steal the election which is already will be cheated for his favor. Other candidates, Dr. ElBaradie, and Dr. Ayman Nour should not be punished because they believe in democratic free election.
More, hosting Mubarak and his son is a clear negative message, at this particular time, that US is supporting the Anti-Christians of which Mubarak and his son are active member in that movement, in addition to their violating freedom of religion against Egyptian Coptic Christians, who are facing genocide and terror of that vicious regime.
Furthermore, they are violating and abusing the human rights of almost all Egyptians including Muslims. The list of crimes they have committed are:
• Ethnic cleansing against hundreds of thousands, displacing and forcing families to leave their homes, and lands. And Confiscations of private properties.
• Massacring of Egyptian Copts, terror attacks, and raids on Coptic Christian villages.
• Thousands killed in orchestrated attacks all over Egypt.
• Kidnapping, raping, more than 500,000 women, and underage girls, forcing them to convert, and marry of those who commit the crime against them.
• For millions of Coptic Christians to convert to Islam, by force, and distorting their civil records.
• Killing worshipers inside the Churches. Burning and destroying hundreds of worship places, and historical monasteries.
• Protecting terror secret organization to kill those Coptic Christians who convert back to Christianity.
• Destruction of Egyptian Coptic historical sites, such as Luxor, Akhmim, Al Giza area of the Pyramids, and religious sites.
- Severe economic strangulation. President Mubarak issued a presidential decree to kill and exterminate all Pigs owned by Egyptian Christian Copts and confiscate their Farms. As a result about 3 million lost their income, and become unemployed.
- Ten of thousands of Egyptian Copts victims illegally imprisoned with false and fabricated, or no allegation at all, and without any trial, or Court hearing.
Mr. President ACU is requesting you the following:
- A White House statement expressing that USA doesn’t support hereditary rule in Egypt. If is it too late for the President Barack Obama cancel appearance with Gamal Mubarak, at least respecting the principal of “ Equality of Equal” by inviting Dr. El Baradie, and Dr. Aymen Nour to the White House.
- We are sure the President Barack Obama is a real Christian man, even though, the distortion of the Media that suggest otherwise. Therefore we call you to support Coptic Christian legitimate and justifiable case before the US Human Rights Commission, OHCHR.
Friday, August 27, 2010
The American Coptic Union (ACU) Submits a Complaint to United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

On August 17, 2010, the ACU issued a complaint on behalf of the oppressed Coptic Christians of Egypt to the OHCHR. This complaint was filed against President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt; Interior Minister Muhammed Habib AlAdley; Chairman of Committee of Policies of the NDP (ruling party) Gamal Mubarak; Speaker of Parliament Fat’hey Suror; and Speaker of Shura Council Safwat ElSherif. They are accused for their criminal policies and practice of crimes against humanity and genocide against Coptic Christians in Egypt. The crimes include:
• Ethnic cleansing against hundreds of thousands, displacing and forcing families to leave their homes, and lands. And Confiscations of private properties.
• Massacring of Egyptian Copts, terror attacks, and raids on Coptic Christian villages.
• Thousands killed in orchestrated attacks all over Egypt.
• Kidnapping, raping, more than 500,000 women, and underage girls, forcing them to convert, and marry of those who commit the crime against them.
• For millions of Coptic Christians to convert to Islam, by force, and distorting their civil records.
• Killing worshipers inside the Churches. Burning and destroying hundreds of worship places, and historical monasteries.
• Protecting terror secret organization to kill those Coptic Christians who convert back to Christianity.
• Destruction of Egyptian Coptic historical sites, such as Luxor, Akhmim, Al Giza area of the Pyramids, and religious sites.
* Severe economic strangulation. President Mubarak issued a presidential decree to kill and exterminate all Pigs owned by Egyptian Christian Copts and confiscate their Farms. As a result about 3 million lost their income, and become unemployed.
* Ten of thousands of Egyptian Copts victims illegally imprisoned with false and fabricated, or no allegation at all, and without any trial, or Court hearing.
The ACU and Coptic community are committed to bringing these criminals to justice. No more can the crimes of a cruel government against its people continue with impunity.
On behalf of American Coptic Union, and US Coptic Community, we call upon, President Barack Obama, US Congress, and Government, all leaders of New York City, and State, Democrats, and Republicans to show their vigor support to “Freedom of Religion “for Coptic Christian, in the US and Egypt as they support the freedom of religion for American Muslims to build Ground Zero’s Mosque.
Anti-Christian Movement is the Driving Force behind Islamization
The Ground
Zero Mosque Propaganda Portrays M

uslims as Persecuted Group
Islamization in America is a serious and dangerous matter, more so than the financial crisis America is facing right now. This is not to confuse Islamization with regular Muslims. Islamists spread along with anti-Christian ideology of hatred, racism, sexism, and encourage Sharia (Islamic) law in society. Muslims are just regular followers of the religion of Islam. There is no doubt that Muslims in America, like Christians and Jews, have the constitutional right to build a place of worship.
They still have the same right to build a Mosque in Ground Zero as long as
New York City’s Mayor and authority approve the project despite sensitivity and hurting Americans’ feeling. The question puzzling us
However, that Mosque was not built for the sole purpose of worship. No, it was built by Islamists to pursue an anti-Christian agenda in the United States. Even the name of the Mosque, Cordoba, is symbolic of historical anti-Christian sentiment. The name Cordoba indicates an anti-Christian alliance was formed in the Spanish province of Andalucía and was a main cause for the Crusades. This Andalucía alliance also burned numerous churches in Egypt and Palestine, including the Resurrection Church in Jerusalem, shortly after the Fatimid took control of Egypt.
Why there is such a fervent propaganda campaign against the Cordoba Mosque while the number of Mosques and Islamic centers has quadrupled since 9/11, while Muslim population did not increased at the same rate? And why Islamists picked that particular location?
Some numbers are helpful in answering this important question. The number of Mosques and Islamic centers in 2001 were about 1500. Now, there are more than 6000. While Catholic churches, schools, and hospitals are going bankrupt and closing down, Islamic places of worship increased tremendously in the last decade.
There are reasons why Islamists want to build the Cordoba Mosque in New York City. First, Islamists already acquitted before American’s public opinion from the 9/11 attacks. Second, since New York City is home to quite a number of Jews, the Cordoba Mosque is a gesture of peace from the Islamists. This is a reminder to them of their past cooperation in Andalucía during the Arab occupation of Spain.
This reckless resolution taken by the authorities of New York City, that we all love, and our hearts go out to those who lost loved on the attack. The resolution is a reward and sanitization for the Islamists that committed this heinous crime against 3000 Americans -- mostly Christians. It also represents a victory for Osama bin Laden, the most wanted terrorist in the world; he is still out of the hands of American justice. Also, the permit at this particular place would save and clean the image of Islamists and Jihadists.
As American Christians, we welcome peace between Muslims and Jews. However, our main concern is a religious-based alliance and ideology. The current situation of Middle Eastern Christians made us alert the American people of this legitimate concern.
Allowing political Islamization and anti-Christian policy to spread in the United States would result in religious and cultural wars that would destroy the Western world and culture.
We have no intention of hurting the feelings of Muslims. Our main concern is politicizing Islam in a way that divides American society by creating religious alliances. Studying the Islamization of the Middle East over the last 30 years is a must and a national security issue for the United States. Christian communities in countries such as Egypt, Lebanon, Iraq, and the former Yugoslavia face their worst period in history because of political Islamization and anti-Christian agendas. There is an anti-Christian crusade on Christians and Western culture.
The anti-Christian movement is gaining more influence every day, helping Islamists at the expense of Christianity. In Europe, numerous incidents show Muslims being “persecuted” by depriving them from building Minarets in Switzerland and wearing the Burqa (veil) in France. At the same time, Mosques are being built and Islamic centers are expanding services to convert Christians. Legislation and court orders are issues to limit Christian culture and practices in Christian countries in order to avoid hurting the feelings of Islamists.
In England, for instance, the Bishop of Canterbury, the origin of British and American Christianity, supports Sharia law for Muslims instead of British common law. Despite hundreds of Mosques across England, the Bishop allows Muslims to use churches for prayer. In Italy, the crucifix is now banned in Italian schools to destroy Catholic Christianity.
In America, anti-Christian sentiment is booming. The Catholic Church is facing an existential threat. The Coptic Orthodox church is under severe pressure from the Mubarak regime’s intelligence agency, a main partner in the anti-Christian alliance. Other Christian denominations are infiltrated by anti-Christians as well.
Even some churches are helping the anti-Christian movement by generating sympathy for Islamists. They depict Muslims as being deprived from freedom of religion and persecuted. This is designed to fool the American people into sympathizing with Islamists. For instance, a church in Gainesville, Florida decided to burn the Quran, the book of Islam. This is not Christian practice to burn any book. Churches during the pagan and heretic periods of history did not even do this. The Gainesville church also gave the al-Azhar institute a chance to condemn Christians and show that Muslims are persecuted. The church in Gainesville must cancel its plan immediately.
Anti-Christian policy is evident even in domestic issues such as immigration. The anti-Christian movement in America is targeting Catholic immigrants from Central and South America trying to escape the capitalist-imposed poverty in their respective countries. According to the 2004 Kennedy-McCain Immigration Bill, approximately 700,000 illegal immigrants enter the United States annually. On the other hand, thousands of international flights land every day with people from the Middle East and Asia staying illegally in the US after their Visas expire.
Anti-Christians have had tremendous success in helping Islamization destroy Christianity in the United States, Europe, and the Middle East. Although it is widely known and documented that Saudi Arabia and Egypt perpetrated the 9/11 attacks, US foreign policy considers these countries to be “strong allies” and “close friends.” They allow them to expand Islam but hurt Christianity under the banner of “peace in the Middle East.” No one seems to hold 9/11 against these countries. Instead, they are rewarded without impunity. September 11 conspiracy is not over yet.