May 27, 2010
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, UNESCO
7, place de Fontenoy
75352 Paris 07 SP, France
UNESCO General Director
Mrs. POKOVA, Irina
Mubarak’s Regime Continues to Raid and Loot the Tombs of the ancient Egyptians, the ancestors of the Copts.
Dear Madam,
The recent events directed at the Coptic Christians of Egypt are not only despicable, but contribute to the cultural genocide of Egypt and its sons. The Copts face genocide, ethnic cleansing, rape, and kidnapping on a daily basis. Hundreds of Coptic businesses and churches are also destroyed every year, further condemning the Copts to dictatorship and leaving them defenseless against oppression. Since the Copts cannot defend their rights, the government under President Hosni Mubarak continues to raid and loot the tombs of the ancient Egyptians, the ancestors of the Copts.
Recent months featured the unearthing of dozens of tombs of ancient Egyptian pharaohs, including 57 burial places discovered in Al-Fayoum. But what is to say that these archaeologists are not hired by the Mubarak regime rather than an independent organization? Reports from the New York Sun and Huffington Post indicate that several ancient Egyptian artifacts and art were stolen from tombs. The Mubarak regime continues to excavate in upper Egypt and refuses to explain the sudden disappearance of these ancient artifacts. Yet, the international community continues to ignore these cultural crimes because they have regional and political interests with Egypt.
The following link goes into much more detail regarding the catastrophic of secret excavations of the Pyramids of Giza: www. gizamap.com/
The Mubarak regime also employs the policy of eminent domain, or the taking of private property, for its own use. The government seizes Coptic graveyards in one of the oldest cemeteries in Akhmim, and Luxor in Upper Egypt, They remove tombs and caskets without regard for the Copts’ rights to property. The graveyards are then sold to foreign investors and corporations.
The American Coptic Union (ACU) asks UNESCO to do the following:
- Condemn the actions of the Mubarak regime regarding ancient artifacts and property owned by the Copts.
- Demand the return of the stolen artifacts and property back to the Coptic people.
- Implement policies and regulations designed to prevent further looting and corruption by the government in the ancient tombs.
Thanks and God bless.
Rafique Iscandar
American Coptic Union –President
Email: americancu@hotmail.com
CC: Mr. Ban Ki-Moon, UN (Fax)